Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Cod Liver Oil -- Finally Exposed?

I just started taking cod liver oil again. This is the vilest substance known to man, and now British researchers claim Omega-3 has absolutely no health benefits. So no more cod liver oil. Hooray?


Anonymous said...

Hello Cyber Carl. Very sorry I missed you in NY, but glad to reconnct in cyberspace. Interesting to hear that all that Omega 3 stuff is BS - the people at Whole Foods must be gnashing their teeth.

Carl Joakim said...

Hey Daniel,
Good to connect. I'll write soon.

Anonymous said...

I just bought a loaf of bread with Omega-3. Suffice to say, it tastes FISHY. I can't abide the flavor. Sadly I am throwing it out. -Kevin

Avi said...

Dear Carl,

You've rather overstated the findings of the study. The study found no heart health benefits. But first, this doesn't address the other claimed benefits for omega-3 and second, this could be due to mercury contamination.

Also, cod liver oil is the worst source of omega-3 because it tastes bad and the liver is where toxins like mercury get concentrated. There are a variety of fish oil supplements that have almost no taste and which are purified of mercury.

Finally, this whole issue will soon be moot as a recent study has shown that there will be no fish left to eat by 2048. Long before that they will likely become an expensive delicacy. Consider that lobster was once fed to poor workers because it was the cheapest sea food around.


Carl Joakim said...

Dear Avi,

Points taken -- although for at least some of the claimed benefits for Omega-3 which are not addressed in the study, and which are subject of a separate study due in a few years -- well, these were never the reason I was told to drink my cod liver oil. And that those reasons -- "Strong heart!" "Live long!" -- may be bogus is pretty important news for me, at least.

As for no more fish in 2048: the population of Norwegian fish remains constant, I think, and other places, there have been moratoriums on fishing, which will help. Anyway, I think Satan will always make sure there is enough Cod Liver Oil for Small Children to drink.

Good to hear from you, Avi. Tell us something about Georgetown!


Carl Joakim said...
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