Sunday, November 19, 2006


Welcome to Baluba, a blog I've just set up. One day, I discovered I was never in the same city as any of my friends. So I've created Cyber-Carl, Internet-Joakim, with an address in the real city that never sleeps. Internet City.


Wabes said...

This is very exciting! Especially the mystery of not being able to read 50% of the posts! I am clearly all exclamation points! Welcome to the blogosphere, Carl - Cyber-Carl will be but a balm for those of us in Gotham without the benefit of your humor and cheer. And songs & recitations.

Anonymous said...

hei hei

dette er en artig side må jeg si .. jeg håper du har det fint der du er nå ... Snart er det jul og snøen kommer, og det er på tide å ta ut skiene ... ;D hehe
hilsen ELizabeth (Liza